Wedding Videography Company 'Copper Stallion Media' Refuses to Refund Deposit, Says "Life's a B****' After Woman's Death
Peter Rapine
When his future wife died in a car accident, he never imagined he'd be having a 'war' with the company he hired to film his wedding that would never happen. But that's exactly what happened when Justin Montney asked for his $1,800 deposit back from 'Copper Stallion Media'.
Usually wedding horror stories are focused around a bridezilla or some crazy aunt, but this time it's the videography company that's out of line.
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Usually wedding horror stories are focused around a bridezilla or some crazy aunt, but this time it's the videography company that's out of line.
While you're here also check out: Woman Goes on a Crazy Facebook Rant After Calling Off Her Wedding
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Justin Montney and his fiance Alexis-Athena Wyatt were supposed to be married over the weekend, but Alexis passed away in February when a semi-trailer crashed into her. And instead of grieving what should have been his wedding day, Justin Montney spent the day being attacked by, Copper Stallion Media, the videography company he hired to film. And how things got here, are as sad as they are strange. This is the story of Copper Stallion Media, who tarnished their reputation for a lousy $1,800. -
Justin Montney reached out to Copper Stallion Media - asking for a return of his $1,800 deposit in the aftermath of his fiances' death, to which they responded in a less than cordial manner. Long story short, they refused to refund him any money what-so-ever though they did offer to hold his deposit for his 'next wedding'. Insane we know, so he did what any sane person would do, he left a negative review on the companies page. (which has since been taken down) -
And after that, he contacted his local news station with his story. I mean, which news station wouldn't run a story about a wedding company refusing to issue a refund after an untimely death. And not just not offering a refund but saying they will hold it for his next wedding. Once Justin did the news report, Copper Stallion Media started receiving a flood of criticism online. And rightfully so. But what Justin didn't expect, is how Copper Stallion Media would respond. -
They retaliated (and we are 100% serious) by buying and using the site to launch a smear campaign against Justin for leading an online bullying storm against them. But what is most shocking, is in their own rebuttal to Justin going on the news and rightfully outing their terrible company policy, they deadass say, "Life's a bitch, Justin" right there! How DGAF can you get? -
And it didn't stop there. Justin had already shot his shot, it was Copper Stallion Media (which is the name you give a fake wedding company) who had to strike for blood. So what did they do? When already they look like the jerks they are? They make their grave just a little bit deeper. This post has since been deleted but why would Copper Stallion Media say they hope, "we hope you sob and cry all day for what would have been your wedding day." Like even who the hell would do this to their own company? What? -
This is not some epic gamer moment or some haha I am le troll shit. This is a person asking for the deposit back for a wedding he isn't having because his Fiance died in a car accident. And you dare say "we'll hold it for the next one", or that "you hope he cries". There are few words to describe people like this. -
And soon Cooper Stallion Media would be playing the victim, claiming they were the focus of an online bullying campaign. What a bunch of babies. Also, CSM was called out after making a post about one of their employees dying (rip) and attempting to connect these two unrelated events. -
Ironic. -
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Justin Montney and his fiance Alexis-Athena Wyatt were supposed to be married over the weekend, but Alexis passed away in February when a semi-trailer crashed into her. And instead of grieving what should have been his wedding day, Justin Montney spent the day being attacked by, Copper Stallion Media, the videography company he hired to film. And how things got here, are as sad as they are strange. This is the story of Copper Stallion Media, who tarnished their reputation for a lousy $1,800.
While you're here also check out: Woman Goes on a Crazy Facebook Rant After Calling Off Her Wedding